Wednesday, October 27, 2010

One of my favourite 'stories' happened when my friend Noel was very sick with Blood Pressure/Hypertension. It meant he had to stay in bed and rest, whereas usually he would be out and about, with his pockets full of peanuts, ready to feed the 'gang' - the little flock of wild birds he had persuaded to come and eat out of his hand, including two pairs of great tits, two pairs of blue tits, a pair of coal tits, and some chaffinches. 'Rudy' was the favourite Great Tit, (called Rudy after Rudolf Valentino, because of his shiny, sleeked-back head feathers) and Reenie was his mate. It was nesting season and being very smart birds, Rudy and Reenie soon figured out where Noel was. At first, they would tap smartly on the window glass and if he was well enough, he would go and hand them some peanuts. Being under pressure from their growing nestlings, however, they soon started to fly in the window to Noel's bedside and helped themselves to the peanuts which were lying on his bedside table.
Their constant visits helped to lighten what was a very trying time of illness.
Then one day, something magical happened. In through the window came Rudy and over to the table for a nut. Then, one by one, four pale yellow, droopy-beaked, fluffy baby Great Tits followed Dad into the bedroom and lined up side by side on the wood at the end of Noel's bed, as if Rudy knew Noel couldn't get out to see them and had brought them in to show them off! Noel lay very still, afraid that if he moved he might panic the little ones but there was no need to worry. Dad was in control. Having picked up his cargo of chopped-up peanuts, the little family headed back out the window in orderly fashion. The strange thing about this story, (apart from the fact that it's true!) is that despite continued regular visits by Rudy and Reenie, the little ones never ventured in through the bedroom window again.

1 comment:

  1. Una, this delightful story is so heartwarming that I think you should share it. It is beyond belief to many folk, though you and I know that It is only one of oh so many. You have made my day by sharing this.
